RAMQ investigations are a major source of stress for all physicians. For some, just mentioning the word “investigation” can send them into panic mode. Despite the anxiety they can cause, these administrative procedures are a normal and recurring part of the RAMQ’s work. Whether at the opening of a practice or after new letters of agreement, the RAMQ carries out routine administrative audits to ensure that physicians are billing according to the current rules. Most of the time, you won’t even be aware that you are under investigation.
For more problematic cases, the RAMQ may send requests for professional inspections. The stakes are highest in these more complicated circumstances. You will need to be properly supported to deal with this stressful period.
In this episode of the Baladoïde podcast, our medical billing experts will explain the various types of RAMQ investigations as well as what triggers them. They guide you through the various steps to take when you are under investigation. Finally, they tell you about the best medical billing practices to implement to avoid receiving those dreaded letters from the RAMQ.