In this episode, join us as we delve into the latest advancements in hematology and pediatrics. We will decipher recent modifications made to the framework agreement in hematology, notably changes in Addendum 6 and 13. In the second part of the episode, we will focus on specific remuneration modalities for specialist doctors within the new Agir tôt Program in pediatrics. This program aims to quickly identify children who may have developmental vulnerabilities.
Stay tuned for an in-depth analysis of these topics!
Episode available in French only
Interesting links:
- Modification 107 – Infolettre 094 :
- Infolettre 179 – Modification 109 à l’Accord-cadre :
- Annexe 48 visant l’instauration de modalités de rémunération particulières aux médecins spécialistes qui agissent comme pédiatres répondants ou pédiatres consultants dans le cadre du programme Agir tôt.